Aikido dojo
There are no contests in the Art of Peace. A true warrior is invincible because he or she contests with nothing. Defeat means to defeat the mind of contention that we harbor within. Morihei Ueshiba
At first sight, Aikido looks like an elegant self-defence technique, exploiting blocks, projections and join locks against one or more attackers. Indeed, it is the synthesis of ancient techniques eveolved from the classical Jujutsu and from Kenjutsu (the art of the sword). Aikido has its own peculiarity and power by means of movements based on the rotation of a sphere.
While other martial arts are conceived around linear movements (forward, backward and on the diagonal line), Aikido techniques stem from a circular movement around the defender. S/he can thus make her/his center stable, unbalancing the attacker and exploiting the aggressive power as floating energy.
Ueshiba Morihei, Aikido founder
(source: Aikido Journal)
Aikido (Path of the energy and armony, from Ai 合 Armony, Ki 気 Energy, and Do 道 Path) is the result of a long personal journey carried out by the founder, Morihei Ueshiba.
Aikido aims at educating towards the mutual respect of one another, thus it refuses to become a competitive activity. In this spirit, there are no competitions but only tests to pass from one level to the next, and demostrations to disseminate the activity itself.
Ueshiba Kisshomaru, the second Doshu
(source: Aikido Journal)
Aikido has no competition, thus it is common to see in Aikido dojos people of all ages practicing together. The practice inherently develops a cooperation between participants, who progress together in their paths. Attention is devoted to the etiquette and respect, so creating a propitious atmosphere towards a positive approach to Aikido and life.
People start practicing Aikido with different motivations, some do it because of its philosphy, others for the martial aspects, others for the elegance of the movements.
Ueshiba Moriteru, the present Doshu
(source: Aikikai Foundation)
The Ueshiba family
(source: Aikikai Foundation)
All techniques use four qualities that reflect the nature of our world. Depending on the circumstance, you should be: hard as a diamond, flexible as a willow, smooth-flowing like water, or as empty as space. Morihei Ueshiba
Fujimoto Sensei (VIII dan and Shihan Aikikai Hombudojo) founded and directed the dojo for over 40 years. After his death, in February 2012, the same ethics and teaching path are adopted in continuing his work.
Fujimoto Sensei was born in Yamaguchi in 1948 and sent to Italy to promote Aikido, assuming the role of vice-director of Aikikai d’Italia.
He arrives in Milano in 1971, where he starts and develops one of the most important Aikido schools in Europe.
In more than 40 years, Fujimoto Sensei deeply contributed to the diffusion of Aikido not only in Italy, but also in Europe, Russia and South Africa.
Fujimoto Sensei died in February 2012, fostering a continuity of his Aikido style and his dojo.
Aikikai Milano offers different classes, considering age and progress. In September 2020, classes are organizeed as follows:
Monday | 17:00-18:00 AIKIDO kids |
18:00-19:00 AIKIDO |
19:00-20:00 AIKIDO |
20:00-21:00 AIKIDO beginners |
Tuesday | 07:00-08:00 AIKIDO |
17:00-18:00 AIKIDO youngsters |
18:00-19:00 AIKIDO |
19:00-20:00 ARMI |
20:00-21:00 AIKIDO |
Wednesday | 17:00-18:00 AIKIDO pre-aikido |
18:00-19:00 AIKIDO |
19:00-20:00 AIKIDO all |
20:00-21:00 AIKIDO exam prep. |
Thursday | 17:00-18:00 AIKIDO kids |
18:00-19:00 AIKIDO |
19:00-20:00 AIKIDO |
20:00-21:00 AIKIDO beginners |
Friday | 07:00-08:00 AIKIDO |
17:00-18:00 AIKIDO youngsters |
18:00-19:00 AIKIDO |
19:00-20:00 AIKIDO all |
20:00-21:00 AIKIDO |
Saturday | 10:00-11:30 AIKIDO |
Monday | 07:00- 08:00 | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 |
Wednesday | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 | |
Friday | 07:00- 08:00 | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 |
Monday | 19:00- 20:30 | ||
Thursday | 19:00- 20:30 |
Monday | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 | |
Tuesday | 07:00- 08:00 | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 |
Thursday | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 | |
Friday | 07:00- 08:00 | 18:00- 19:00 | 19:00- 20:00 | 20:00- 21:00 |
Dojo responsible: Laura Benevelli, V dan Aikikai d'Italia, Aikikai Tokyo.
Desk hours:
◇ Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 17:30-19:30
◇ Wednesday: 17:30-18:30
◇ Thursday: 18:00-20:00
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Aikikai Milano - via Lulli, 30 - 20131 Milano - Italia